Have you been looking for a clean energy option to start your mornings? Do you hate the taste of coffee or just want a healthier option?Check out this Naked fire energy shot review to see if this is the answer to your problems.

About the Company

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Naked Nutrition was formed in 2014 by Stephen Zieminski, a former cross country and track All-American. He set out to create a brand of supplements that avoided fillers, useless, or even harmful ingredients. They now offer over 50 products that have the minimal amount of ingredients needed. A large majority of the products have 3 or less! They offer a range of products from protein powder, pre workout, to even energy shots!

Naked Fire Energy Shot Review

In full disclosure, Naked Nutrition did reach out to us before this article and supplied us the product for this Naked Fire Energy Shot Review. However, this article is not sponsored and is our honest unbiased opinion.


  • Clean Energy
  • Convenient Bottle Size
  • Reputable Company
  • Enjoyable Fiery Flavor


  • Not as Affordable as Alternative Options
Buy on Amazon

Benefits of Naked Fire Energy Shot

Boost of Clean Energy

To start off, Naked Fire Energy Shot offers a clean boost of energy to start your day or even pick you up from a slump. It combines green coffee bean caffeine to help you get a cleaner caffeine boost than a normal cup of coffee.

In addition to this they offer a cognitive boost, with their inclusion of organic Panax ginseng, ginger root extract, and organic ashwagandha. These ingredients combine to help with focus, short-term memory, faster information processing, and even help with stress management.

Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Shot

Despite aiding in cognitive function, the addition of organic Panax ginseng and ginger root extract help with detox. These ingredients support healthy aging, help reduce oxidative stress, and help keep your body functioning at its peak level.

The inclusion of the popular ingredient, apple cider vinegar, also helps to regulate blood sugar levels in your body to prevent a crash in energy during your day.

Nutritional Benefit

The blend of ginger root extract, apple cider vinegar, and organic cayenne pepper included in the energy shot help to support optimal digestion through the increase of digestive enzymes in your gut. These digestive enzymes then help to break down food and improve the nutrient absorption from the food. This helps effectively maximize the benefits of your diet, which as we all know is key to achieving your maximum potential in the gym.


Naked nutrition is known in the supplement industry for their use of clean effective ingredients and not including anything unnecessary, and their Fire Energy Shot is no exception.

Ginger Root Extract

Ginger root extract has many benefits such as improving cognitive and digestive functions.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar has grown immensely in popularity in recent times within the health industry due to its potential benefits that can aid in weight loss. In terms of helping with weight loss, raw apple cider vinegar can help with digestion, regulation of your appetite, and regulation of your blood sugar levels.

Caffeine from Green Coffee Bean

The main difference from caffeine found in regular coffee and caffeine found in green coffee beans is the addition of chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid helps exert less pressure on blood vessels in comparison.

Organic Panax Ginseng

Panax Ginseng is a popular ingredient in health supplements because it is a strong antioxidant. This helps control inflammation within your body and improve cognitive function, specifically short term memory.

Organic Ashwagandha

Another ingredient/supplement that has exploded in popularity recently is ashwagandha. This has become very popular due to evidence that it helps increase natural testosterone levels and its help in stress management. On the other hand, it also helps with mental focus and alertness.

Organic Cayenne Pepper

Although a popular spice in cooking, cayenne pepper has also grown as an ingredient in the supplement industry, due to its proposed benefits in weight loss. The consumption of cayenne pepper can help boost metabolism and promote better food breakdown and nutrient absorption within your stomach.

naked fire energy shot review


Naked Fire Energy Shots arrive in a 4 shot package and I had 2 packages when I first tried them. To start off, personally, this is the first energy/health shot I have ever tried. I have tried many different energy drinks and pre workouts, but never an energy shot. 

Upon first try, I must admit I was not a fan of the taste. You only taste the apple cider vinegar with a strong taste of cayenne pepper. This may have been because I have never tried a product like this or I was just expecting differently.

But, after having 2-3 of these shots, I must say I grew to enjoy the taste and the burn from the vinegar and the cayenne pepper. It has a very distinct taste that in combination with the caffeine really helps to wake you up and give you that energy boost.

After my second box, I must say I did miss having them as a healthy energy alternative to start my day. 


Does it Work?

Due to the lower amount of caffeine in comparison with energy drinks/pre-workouts, I chose to drink this product in the morning or while studying/working. In all honesty, the energy boost and the focus boost were prevalent throughout my use of the product. I did notice a difference between drinking one of these Fire Energy Shots in comparison, to having an energy drink like a Red Bull. It does feel like a cleaner source of caffeine and I never experienced a crash from it. I must say I did not use them consistently enough or for a long enough period to reap the benefits of the ingredients that could help with weight loss.

This isn’t saying that others may not either or that it doesn’t help with that, but personally, I was not able to experience these benefits because of my shortened use of the product.


Best For

Although it can be used for many different reasons and/or uses, I believe this product is best used for someone looking for a clean energy and mental boost to start their day. When taken in the morning, it is the perfect amount of caffeine to avoid a crash later in the day and with the addition of other ingredients, that help with cognitive function, it makes a great option. Yes, it can help with weight loss and many other benefits, but I found that it helped best in starting off the day.

Is it Safe

I used this product myself personally and it was safe for me. I never had an upset stomach or any adverse side effects, while using the product.

On the other hand, I would make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients and make sure caffeine consumption is safe with your body because everyone can react differently.

How to Take

Naked Nutrition Fire Energy Shots can be taken at any time of the day. I would limit it however to the latest of the afternoon, so the caffeine will not disturb with your sleep. You can drink it directly from the bottle provided, which I preferred, or you can dilute it with water or your favorite drink.

Why Naked Nutrition Fire Energy Shots Over Others

Why should you pick Naked Nutrition Fire Energy Shots over others? The main reason for me, at least, is because of the clean initiative and approach that the company takes with this product and the rest of their product line. The company avoids using fillers and additives to inflate their products and only uses the best ingredients. Most of the ingredients in this product were organic and necessary to the benefits/ purpose of the product.

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